Your personal guide to a Healthy Nature Aquarium
Algae Control
Carbohydrates and ammonia emitted from decaying plant leaves or other forms of organic waste trigger algae spores to bloom. This is the...
Aquascaping Style
Aquascaping styles have become more blended over the years, with digital media allowing international artists to learn more quickly fro...
CO2 System
In a planted aquarium, injected carbon dioxide (CO2) boosts growth speed as well as quality, and has high impact regardless whether you...
Documents, Articles, Plants Database and Case Study
Documents, Articles, Plants Database and Case Study
A to Z Plants Database, Product Guide, Product Support. and more...
Fertilizers & Dosing
Do I really need fertilizers for my aquarium? There are so many choices in the market- which is the right one for me?
Filters & Filters Media
Having good flow in the tank that sweeps debris towards filter intake keeps the tank cleaner for longer. Overall tank cleanliness is on...
Layout Materials
Layout Material Selection Made Simple. “Are you at a loss as to what materials to choose?”
Can’t decide whether to choose driftwood or...
Light & Lighting Control
Different light wavelengths (including portions of the UV spectrum outside of PAR) stimulate different horm...
Live Stock
To support the landscape approach of an aquascape it is best to choose small fish. Finding the best fish to compliment a planted aquasc...
Planted Tank – Basic Information
The Definitive Nature Aquarium Setup Guide, All aquarium plants need three things for growth. Aquarium plants that don’t get enough of ...
Aquatic Plants that form beautiful thickets are a part of the great charm of the planted aquarium. It is commonly believed that growing...